Shop Closer to Home

Localoi is an online marketplace where local businesses and consumers meet. From everyday essentials to extraordinary products can be found on Localoi!


Local businesses are becoming a thing of the past as consumers are flocking to online shopping. It is our mission to bring back the local shopping tradition by digitally connecting you with local businesses. We encourage anyone and everyone to turn their unique ideas into successful small businesses and serve the local community. It has never been easier to connect with and support local businesses. At localoi we value the hard work and passion of local businesses.

As a company, we strive to make a stronger community by helping local businesses reach local consumers. We encourage creative ideas to take off with Localoi.

How Localoi works

Localoi brings in hundreds of local businesses to serve your community. To ensure you are supporting local businesses within your community; we feature businesses within 30 miles of your location.

Sell Locally

At Localoi we provide you with powerful and secure technology to help you connect with local consumers. We help manage, connect, and promote your business. Have an idea to start a small business? You are only a few clicks away! Sign up to get started!

Shop Locally

If you are looking for a specific item or exploring to be surprised, our search tools will help you find all available items within your community.

Shop Securely

Our technology helps sellers and buyers connect, exchange, and communicate. Keeping these connections safe and secure is our most important priority. Reachout for help, we are always here for you.


Interested to join our mission?

If you think you have something to add, email us at

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